Today your healing begins…
Work with Jake
Request your session with Jake
I’m looking forward to meeting with you!
Please take a look at the FAQs below before you request a free consultation, so you can see if you think we’re a good fit.
We will identify your personal goals for sessions.
We will review the modalities utilized in Jake’s Practice.
We will do a basic overview of the nervous system and how trauma impacts the nervous system.
We review how sessions work and are guided by Jake.
We will review the different options and services to move forward with 1 on 1 appointments.
Jake has completed three years of study at the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute.
Two year certification at White Winds Institute of Energy Medicine.
10 years in private practice.
Has worked 1 on 1 with individuals from all over the world.
Jake works online through zoom appointments or through in-person sessions at his office in Winchester Virginia.
Those who search out somatic work have often tried many different types of therapy with limited results. Maybe you have tried approaches that are more based on telling the story of past events or trying to change your thoughts or mindset. Somatic work looks at the root of current symptoms and looks to support the nervous system to release stress and tension. If you are committed to going to the core causes of your current symptoms and want to acquire more tools to work with your body to release stress and tension, then somatic work could be a great fit.
Clients frequently report feeling more open, more emotionally available, more willing to be engaged in life, greater states of balance and relaxation, less triggered by life events, feeling more settled and at peace, reduction in episodes of anxiety, and having greater capacity to connect and regulate emotions, feeling less stuck and stagnant, more positive and alive, more self-compassion and acceptance, and more capacity to tackle life obstacles.
-You will learn somatic tools to regulate your nervous system.
-You will develop a deeper understanding of how current triggers relate to past events.
-You will learn how to support and release the self protective responses of your nervous system.
-You will learn how past trauma may have affected your self confidence and self care and learn new approaches to repair your relationship with yourself.
- You will learn how to relate to life through regulation rather than your stress response.
Appointments are $95 dollars per hour. I also offer healing plans where clients can sign up to work with me for a month, two months, or a four-month period
One month-$ 285
Two Months-$570
Four Months- $1275 ( ten dollars off each session)
Request Session
With this form, you can request your consultation, an appointment, gift certificate, or a general inquiry. I respond within 24-48 hours during normal business hours.